Privacy Policy


Centrive Technologies Inc., an IT company, is dedicated to safeguarding the privacy and security of personal information belonging to our clients and users. This privacy policy articulates the guidelines and terms governing data privacy for the web development services provided by Centrive Technologies Inc.


Information Collection

We may gather personal information, including names, contact details, and project requirements, from users who engage with our web development services. This information is acquired with user consent and is used exclusively for providing and enhancing our services.


Use of Information

Personal information collected is utilized for client communication, project fulfillment, service improvement, and enhancing the user experience. We do not sell, rent, or trade personal information to third parties for their marketing purposes.


Data Security

We implement appropriate measures to protect personal information against unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration, or destruction. This involves routine security assessments, data encryption, and access controls.


Cookie Usage

As detailed in our cookie policies and terms, we utilize cookies to enhance the user experience, analyze website usage, and personalize content. Users have the option to manage their cookie preferences through the cookie consent banner or their browser settings.

Third-Party Services

To support our web development services, we may engage third-party services such as web hosting and analytics tools. These third parties are obligated to adhere to data privacy and security standards.


Compliance with Regulations

Our company adheres to relevant data protection laws and regulations, including the GDPR, CCPA, and DATA PRIVACY ACT. We are committed to upholding individuals' rights concerning their data.


Changes to Privacy Policy

We retain the right to modify or update this privacy policy at any time. Any alterations will take effect immediately upon posting the revised policy on our website.


Contact Information

If you have any questions or concerns regarding our privacy policy or the handling of personal information, please contact us at Centrive Technologies Inc.

By engaging with our web development services, you acknowledge that you have read and understood our privacy policy. Thank you for choosing Centrive Technologies Inc. for your IT needs.

Centrive Technologies Inc.


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